This has a natural antiseptic action and promotes granulation of the skin. It is excellent for cuts, grazes, nappy rash, chapped lips, cracked skin and sore nipples from breast feeding.
This also acts as a mild antiseptic and is used by diluting in water. The solution can then be used to bathe cuts and grazes or as a mouthwash and gargle (do not swallow!). The usual dilution is 15 to 20 drops to a cup full of freshly boiled and COOLED water. Sometimes Hypericum tincture is mixed with the Calendula (HYPERCAL TINCTURE). This mixture is especially useful if the cuts or grazes are in areas rich in nerves e.g. fingertips.
EUPHRASIA TINCTURE – must be diluted before use
This is ideal for sore sticky inflamed eyes. Use 3 to 4 drops in an eye bath of freshly boiled and COOLED water. If the eye is scratched, add a drop of Calendula tincture.
Obviously seek urgent advice from the doctor, eye hospital if there are any concerns and if any substance or object has come into contact with the eye.
This can be applied directly to puncture wounds from rusty nails or stings. It can be used in a water bath to bathe the area. A dilution of 3 to 4 drops to an eye bath of freshly boiled and cooled water can be used to bathe black eyes.
A diluted solution is especially useful for bathing burns and helps to relieve the pain. It can also be taken internally (5 to 10 drops twice daily) to help alleviate gout symptoms.
All sensible steps must be taken to ensure the safety of the patient and others before commencing treatment which may reduce pain, improve healing, and reduce risk of infection.
Remember this remedy for the initial shock of the burn. There is dry burning heat, restlessness, and fear of death. Cold applications remove the pain completely. Can be very useful for sunburn.
Burns with swelling (that pits) redness, burning and stinging pains which are much better for cold bathing, cool air and uncovering.
Very painful burns, the area may be blackened; along with the usual Arsenicum anxiety, restlessness, chilliness, weakness, and desire for warmth. The patient will not want cold applications on the affected area.
Useful in the treatment of extremely painful burns where there is rapid intense inflammation and stinging or burning pains better for cold applications which have to be kept on the area all the time. Think of this especially if the burn was caused by hot water. Also, for burns to mucous membranes (See Cystitis). Good when large blisters, ulcers or vesicles form from the burn.
Extremely painful burns that blister. Also good for treating old burns, the ill effects of burns and burns that are cracked or slow/ fail to heal. Also burns that cause contraction of muscles. Symptoms are worse for exposure to air, better for cold drinks and warmth.