Experiences with Spider Remedies in Homoeopathic Medicine
Six characteristic remedies from the Spider family: Aranea diadema, Buthus australis, Mygale, Lactrodectus mactans, Tarentula hispanica, Theridion.
Each remedy is presented by three clinical cases 

The publisher:

This book presents six characteristic homeopathic remedies from the Spider family: Aranea diadema, Buthus australis, Mygale, Lactrodectus mactans, Tarentula hispanica, Theridion. Each remedy is presented through the study of three clinical cases: a child, a woman, and a man. The myths, biology, and toxicology of spiders are discussed. The themes of the Spider family are introduced and elaborated upon in the analysis the cases, specifying what is peculiar for each remedy.

Contains the following spider remedies:
Tarentula Hispanica
Mygale Lasiodora
Aranea Diadema
Theridion Curassavicum
Latrodectus Mactans
Buthus Australis