Notes on Miasms, Heredity and Nosodes by Degroote (USED)
by Degroote
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This book makes an important contribution to our understanding of miasms and their place in classical homeopathic prescribing. The following statement from the foreword to the book summarizes its appeal – ‘Generally it’s rather easy to make a correct first prescription. Real difficulties mostly occur later on when the first remedy is not effective any more and only a few symptoms point to an exact following remedy.’ It includes information on miasms, diathesis, Bowel nosode, Isopathic nosodes, energetic points, muscle testing and various sample cases. Notes on Miasms,Heredity & Remedy Interaction
This book makes an important contribution to our understanding of miasms and their place in classical homeopathic prescribing. The following statement from the foreword to the book summarizes its appeal – ‘Generally it’s rather easy to make a correct first prescription. Real difficulties mostly occur later on when the first remedy is not effective any more and only a few symptoms point to an exact following remedy.’ It includes information on miasms, diathesis, Bowel nosode, Isopathic nosodes, energetic points, muscle testing and various sample cases. This book emphasizes on the fact that the only way in homeopathy to treat the negativeinformation carried by chromosome is by the use of classic and bowel nosodes which acts as a preventative approach against degenerative diseases like arteriosclerosis, coronary infarction, rheumatic diseases and diseases due to failure of the immune system as allergy, cancer, etc. ‘Why does homeopathy fail for some patients? To solve this problem, the author is considering the energetic miasmatic point of view and a holistic approach. In this book you can find the description of the muscle tests needed for nosode selection .It is not a book for a pleasant reading on holiday but a book containing many pages with tables of relationships .This book is aimed to stay at hand on your desk to help you on difficult cases.’ – Michel Van Wassenhoven, MD.
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