Portraits of Homoeopathic Medicines – Vol 3 by Coulter
by Coulter, Catherine
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These literary portraits are absolutely excellent for a deep understanding of many of the main polycrests and can be enjoyed by a new generation fo homœopaths. Volume one covers Phosphorus, calcarea carbonica, Lycopodium, Sepia, sulphur, Pulsatilla, arsenicum, Laachesis and natrum muriaticum. Volume 2 covers nux vomica, Silica, Ignatia and the nosodes Psorimum, medorrhinum, tuberculinum, syphilinum and carcinosin.
Volume 3 discusses the portrait of indifference and its a really excellent comparitive Materia medica.
As an alternative to dry remedy descriptions, you will find the Portraits just what you are looking for. Her lucid style is the reason for the longstanding popularity of this series of books, available in 3 volumes.
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