In this book the development of these important remedies is traced and the concept behind them is explained and discussed within the context of modern homeopathic thought. The general uses of the group in the clinical situation are outlined and the Materia Medica of the individual bowel nosodes is discussed. The methodology is illustrated with case studies from both the human and animal worlds, demonstrating the common guidelines for the bowel nosodes’ use that are applicable to all species.

Excerpt from inside Book: We have compiled this book, in response to requests from homoeopaths worldwide, to provide a concise summary of the conclusions we have reached, arising from our clinical work over recent years. This is a preview of the book we are currently devising, and it summarizes our views on minerals, miasms and animals, as well as our outlook on the correspondences between mineral and animal pictures, in an easy table format, for quick reference. The topics covered in this book have been presented, discussed and elaborated upon in great detail during our recent seminars around the world. Our primary intention here is to assist seminar participants, and regular followers of our work, with the possibilities of a deeper exploration, clearer differential diagnosis and easier confirmation of remedy choice, in their case-taking. Joshis’ concept of pattern and plane: Each person is born with a unique core pattern or prototype similar to that of DNA. This pattern, or prototype, has many things encoded within it. Individual perceptions, experiences and reactions, emanate from that prototype. It is also responsible for weakness and strength. Since we are considering the word ‘pattern’ here, let’s deflect a little to understand what we mean by this pattern, or prototype. Our model of pattern has been developed on the basic consideration of Dualism. This concept of Dualism (there are two elements of existence) is one that has been accepted and stated by several cultures, philosophies and religions across the globe.Eg: Physical and spiritual, body and mind, Yin and Yang in Chinese culture, or Purak (breathe in) and Rechak (breathe out) in Yoga. According to the concept of Duality everything that exists must have a polar opposite. In fact, the polar opposite of any thought or emotion is responsible for the very existence of that thought or emotion. We have explained this idea in detail in the first chapter of our book ‘Homoeopathy and Patterns in Periodic table-Part 1. Each personality pattern is made up of a certain specific set of dualities e.g. justice/injustice, love/hate, heaviness/lightness, etc. The interplay between these different polar opposites makes each person’s personality special. Based on this specific set of dualities, each individual perceives the world in their own unique way, and based on these perceptions, they experience everything around them, and react accordingly.