Dr Johnston examines the traditional methods of treating children with homeopathy and explores how the new approaches to homeopathic prescribing may be successfully applied to children’s cases.

Generations of homeopaths have successfully treated children using the traditional approaches of materia medica, repertory, keynotes and classification into children types. As successful as these methods have been, there have always been some cases that were not helped. As a result new ideas and advances have taken place to expand our skills and knowledge for better results.

Homeopathic prescribing is undergoing a tremendous evolution due to the recent advent of ideas such as the grouping of remedies into families, connecting a child’s remedy to the mother’s during pregnancy and understanding how the remedy source is expressed through the patient’s symptoms, called source-based prescribing. These advances are also having a positive impact of the treatment of children. The Child’s World elaborates on the ways the new ideas in homeopathy can benefit children.