Typology in Homeopathy [Mythological Archetypes] by Vannier
by Vannier
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This classic has finally been translated into English! Besides describing numerous typologies, this book also has many photographs and illustrations that show how artists and sculptors have depicted them.
Typology, the classification of human beings according to their physical and psychological characteristics, is as old as medicine itself. It is particularly relevant to those forms of therapy which take account of the whole person. Dr Vannier attached great importance to the subject, believing that it could help the homoeopath to know the patient better, and the patient to perceive more clearly the full extent of his or her own potential. He takes as his models the gods of Antiquity – Mars, Saturn, Apollo, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Luna and Terra – studying their mythological attributes as prototypes of the mental and physical characteristics of human beings. Each of these principal types is described at length under the following headings: physical make-up, morphology, intellect, character, the conditions and problems to which they are prone, and the changes that are likely to occur with age and circumstance. He then studies in detail the homoeopathic remedies to which the individual types respond best – usually a group of six to eight related remedies dominated by a major polychrest.
Dr Vannier makes it clear that no human being is a pure prototype, exhibiting one set of characteristics alone, and that in his view two, three or even four types will be found in one person, either together in varying degree, or else in succession. He describes briefly a number of ‘metatypes’ – combinations of prototypes – which he names after gods not included in the original eight.
The text is illustrated throughout with line drawings and photographs, showing how artists and sculptors from classical times until the present century have depicted the different types and their many variations.
Dr Leon Vannier (1880-1963) was one of the major figures in modern French homoeopathy, practising in Paris from 1905 until the year of his death. He founded the journal L’Homoeopathie Francaise in 1912 and was the author of many books, including a substantial materia medica.
The Constitution
Carbonic Constitution
Phosphoric Constitution
Fluoric Constitution
The Temperament
The Genesis of Temperament
The Possible
Perception of the Temperament
Animal Signatures
Celestial Signatures
The Need for Typological Observation
Prototypes and Metatypes
The Techniques of Observation
Static, Height, Tall, Medium, Short, Skull, Face, Forehead, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Chin, Eyes, Eyebrows, Body, Limbs, Kinetics, Stance, Gait, Gestures
The Marsian Function
The Marsian Woman
Diseases and Remedies of Mars People
Mars and The Constitution
Carbonic Constitution
Phosphoric Constitution
Fluoric Constitution
Variations of the Marsian: Diseases and Remedies
Modifications of the Type
Health Risks of the Marsian
Physical Disorders
Treatment of the Marsian
The Remedies
Sulphur, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Anacardium, Chamomilla, Colocynth, Gelsemium, Aurum, Spiritus Quercus Glandium, A Rule of Life for the Marsian
The Saturnian Function
The Saturnian Woman
Saturnian Diseases and their Remedies
Saturn and the Constitution
Carbonic Constitution
Phosphoric Constitution
Fluoric Constitution
Transformations of the Saturnian
Morbid Predispositions of the Saturnian
Physical Disorders
Psychological Disorders
Modifications of the Type
Treatment of the Saturnian
Basic Remedies
Sepia, Thuja, Auxiliary Remedies, Baryta Carb., Plumbum, Berberis, Nux Vomica, Solidago Virga, Rhus Toxicodendron, Natrum Sulphuricum, Causticum, Gelsemium, Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum, Tuberculins, Life Style of the Saturnian
Description, Morphology, Static, Kinetic, The Function of the Apollonian, Mind, Character, The Apollonian Woman, Life Style, Diseases and Remedies of the Apollonian, The Apollonian and the Constitutions, Carbonic Constitution, Phosphoric Constitution, Fluoric Constitution, Transmutations of the Apollonian, Predispositions of the Apollonian, Physical Disorders, Psychological Disorders, Modifications of the Type, Treatment of the Apollonian, Natrum Muriaticum, Anacardium, Ferrum, Kali Carbonicum, Iodum, Arsenicum, Phosphorus, Stannum, Pulsatilla, Ignatia, Calcarea Phosphorica, Turberculinum
Description, Morphology, Static, Kinetic, Functions of the Type, Mind, Character, The Venusian Woman, The Diseases of Venusians and their Remedies, The Constitutions, Carbonic Constitution, Phosphoric Constitution, Fluoric Constitution, Transmutations of the Venusian, Morbid Predispositions, Physical Disorders, Psychological Disorders, Modifications of the Type, Therapy, The Remedies, Calcarea Carbonica, Anacardium, Actaea Racemosa, Petroleum, Silicea, Calcarea Phosphorica, Nux Vomica, Rhus Toxicodendron, Platina, Secale, Sepia, Ferrum, Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Millefolium, Borax, Ipecacuanha, Sabina, Trilium Pendulum, Millefolium, Thlaspi bursa pastoris, Graphites, Thuja, Staphysagria, Lachesis, Hydrastis, Helonias, Life Style
Description, Morphology, Static, Kinetic, The Jupiterian Function, Mind, Character, The Jupiterian Woman, The Diseases of the Jupiterian and Their Remedies, The Constitutions, Carbonic Constitution, Phosphoric Constitution, Fluoric Constitution, Transmutations of the Jupiterian, Morbid Predispostions of the Jupiterian, Physical Disorders, Psychological Disorders, Modifications of the Type, Treatment, Remedies of the Jupiterian, Deep-Acting Remedy, Sulphur, Auxiliary Remedies, Aconite, Bryonia, Hepar Sulphuris, Sulphur Iodatum, Nux Vomica, Lycopodium, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Aloe, Arsenicum, Pulsatilla, Graphites, Psorinum, Life Style
Description, Morphology, Static, Dynamic, Functions of the Type, Mind, Character, The Mercurian Woman, Remedies of the Mercurian, Mercury and the Constitutions, Carbonic Constitution, Phosphoric Constitution, Transmutations of the Type, Psychological Disorders, Physical Disorders, Modifications of the Type, Treatment
The Remedies
Silicea, Auxiliary Remedies, Arsenicum Album, Iodum, Argentum Nitricum, Lilium Tigrinum, Lachesis, Chamomilla, Ignatia, Tuberculin, Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Life Style
Description, Morphology, Static, Kinetic, Function of the Type, Mind, Character, The Lunerian Woman, Lunar Diseases and Their Remedies, The Constitutions, Carbonic Constitution, Phosphoric Constitution, Fluoric Constitution, Transmutations of the Lunarian, Morbid Predispositions, Physical Disorders, Psychological Disorders, Modifications of the Type, Therapeutics, The Remedies, Basic Remedies, Natrum Sulphuricum, Pulsatilla, Antimonium Crudum, Rhus Toxicodendron, Pulsatilla
Auxiliary Remedies, Rhododendron, Nux Moschata, Ignatia, Dulcamara, Thuja, Life Style, Conclusion
Description, Morphology, Static, Kinetic, Functions of the Type, Mind, Character, Anacardium, The Terran Woman, The Diseases of Terrans and Their Remedies, The Constitutions, Carbonic Constitution, Phosphoric Constitution, Fluoric Constitution, Transmutations of the Type, Susceptibility to Illness, Physical Disorders, Psychological Disorders, Variations of the Type, Therapy of Terrans, The Remedies, Lycopodium, Sulphur, Nux Vomica, Sepia, Hepar Sulphuris, Baryta Carbonica, Opium, Life Style, Conclusion
Minerva, Description, Functions of Minerva, Pallas, Description, Function, Pluto, Essential Characteristics, Description, Function of the Plutonian, The Plutonian Woman, Proserpina, Description, The Function of Proserpina, Neptune, Description, Function of the Neptunian, The Neptunian Woman, Hebe, Description, Variations, Function, Hercules, Description, The Function of Hercules, Juno, Description, Function of Juno, Vulcan, Description, The Function of Vulcan, Diana, Description, Function of Diana, Variations, Bacchus, Description, Functions of Bacchus, Variations, The Bacchante, Silenus, Description, Silenus, short type, Silenus, tall type, Pan, Description, Function, Earth Types, Pure Earth, Combined Types, Rhea, Vesta, Flora, Ceres, Pomona, Cybele, Vespa, Descripton, Functions of Vesta
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