
The NZHS Reference Library: A Treasury and Point of Reference for the future Generations by Ruby George

The Naturo Pharm reference library in Rotorua reflects the vision, passion, dedication, and sacrifice of several generations of Homoeopaths. The NZHS Library incorporates the vision and hard work of pioneers like Bruce Barwell, and Greeba Lambert. Bruce Barwell, the President of the NZ Homoeopathic Society from April 1995 to May 2008 envisioned a well presented and well protected library for the invaluable collection of Homeopathic literature.  Greeba Lambert, the original librarian, collector, and recorder of this library from 1974 to 1999, started the library from the dedicated space in her home.

I am immensely grateful to NZHS for this invaluable opportunity to visit the library.  As I entered the room, I felt at home, surrounded by my teachers and mentors ranging from Dr. Hahnemann and Kent and Boenninghausen to my current lecturers like Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr. Dinesh Chauhan, Dr. Jayesh Shah, Dr. Sudhir Baldota, and others. I felt I was surrounded by the voices of women and men who not only dared to believe but also dared to systematically record and publish their work for the benefit of the future generations. I felt there were teachings emerging from every shelf on various topics in Homoeopathy like Homoeopathic Philosophy, Materia Medica, Therapeutics, Repertories, Posology, Kingdom Classification, and hundreds of recorded cases.

My purpose of the visit was to find literature that would add to my dissertation on ‘Research Methodology in Homoeopathy’.  Every book I touched had treasures for me and my patients. The time was limited, and the resources endless. It was like interacting with a myriad of authors – some familiar and well known and the others – unknown to me but well represented on the shelf.

I gleaned valuable information for my dissertation topic from the book, ‘The Dynamics and Methodology of Homoeopathic Provings’ by Jeremy Sherr. His work was scientific and well structured, without losing the essence of Homoeopathy. The work of Nuala Eising on the proving of new remedies like Fire, Fox, Chicken Embryo, and Wind made me think of the protocols we need to follow as Homoeopaths so that our work can be published and accepted by scientists in the outside world.

The narrative about Hahnemann – the story of a man who gave his all to promote Homoeopathy for the wellbeing of humankind at the cost of his marriage, children, and finances, reminded me of our ongoing battle even in this century to keep homoeopathy alive.

I came away from the library with a heart brimming with gratitude to Dr. Hahnemann and his immense dedication and sacrifice, to all the busy homoeopaths who took time to publish their work, and to the NZHS team who pioneered, grew, and kept the library alive against all odds not only for the present-day homoeopaths but the future generations too. It is now time to start publishing my work!

Ruby George

Homoeopath – BHMS, FCAH (Fellowship Course in Advanced Homoeopathy)